Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My Frist Book Review At Amazon

Jakarta Struts Cookbook
By Bill Siggelkow

Publisher : O'Reilly
Pub Date : February 2005
ISBN : 0-596-00771-X
Pages : 526

Good Struts meal cooked by Bill Siggelkow

This book has a very strong collection of common and day to day programming problems with struts.Topics varied from introductory topics like (installation , Configuration , User Interface) to Advanced topics like (Lazy Dynamic Forms,Exception handling , Security , Tiles).
Every Chapter in this book provide smart solutions for common problems faces the developers.
The solutions usually provide a shortcut way for solving with deep discussion for every solution.
The books has about over 130 problems.Each problem has a smart solution with clear and deep discussion.
I think this is the most effective way to transport working experience.
I'm 2 years struts developer.
Personally I enjoyed the discussion of Hibernate and Spring usage with struts.I gained new and good information about the new struts version 1.2.
I think this book will be very useful for any struts developer who wants to absorb the others experiences for old faced problems or new ones.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Hosam,

I enjoyed reading your Blog and it is now one of my important daily links. The news you are posting is covering the most important stop-points in IT business, Also the book review is nice and gives brief conclusion about the book.
Keep it up.
Ahmed Ali Eziza