Monday, September 24, 2007

Apache ServiceMix is now an official ASF project

Apache ServiceMix
is an extensible messaging bus for service integration, mediation and
composition and its related components. ServiceMix provides a JBI 1.0
ESB and component suite.

The ASF board has just approved its graduation which means that the project is now fully endorsed by the ASF.

Development of the next major version has already began and will be based on OSGi as a container and deployment platform and Apache Camel for the Enterprise Integration Patterns, in addition to Apache ActiveMQ for the JMS message broker and Apache CXF for the web services framework.

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Hibernate Search 3.0 available: provides full-text search

Hibernate Search 3.0, which
brings full text search capabilities to Hibernate-based applications,
has been released. With Hibernate Search, developers can easily take
advantage of advanced Google-like search features, unattainable in
relational databases, without the need for extra infrastructure coding.

Hibernate Search integrates transparently with Hibernate, the
object/relational (O/R) mapping and persistence engine, with little to
no configuration (past specifying what entities to index). With
advanced features such as query filter and index sharding, Hibernate
Search can be embedded into user applications.

Key features in Hibernate Search 3.0 include:
  • Transparent
    index synchronization: This feature eliminates the need to manually
    update the index on data change. Events generated by Hibernate Core
    will trigger the update transparently for the application.
  • Seamless integration with the Hibernate and Java Persistence query
    Hibernate Search embraces both the Hibernate and Java Persistence
    semantic and APIs. As a result, switching from a Hibernate Query
    Language (HQL) query to a full text query requires minimal changes to
    the application.
  • Out-of-the-box asynchronous clustering mode:
    Handles clustered applications, this out of the box mode also handles
    gracefully indexing load peaks, avoiding any contention on the online
  • Product extensibility: Developers can extend Hibernate
    Search with a series of extension points for deep index interaction
    customization that helps edge case applications meet their performance
    and architectural requirements and constraints.
original post

A Simple Marketing Model for Enterprise Open Source

Ian Howells , starts to write a series of articles about open source marketing model.below is the summary of Part one

A Marketing Strategy For Open Source Rules:
  • Rule 1: Make Markets not war
  • Rule 2: It's about value innovation not price alone
  • Rule 3: Don't micro-market Maximize the blue ocean of open source
  • Rule 4: Enterprise software companies don't "own" their customers
  • Rule 5: Differentiation * Make it simple , intuitive and indisputable * The best of both worlds
  • Rule 6: Stay it in a tag-line * You're the open source alternative
  • Rule 7: Make your messaging fun and controversial
  • Rule 8: Just be simply better - pricing and packaging
  • Rule 9: Get community , get viral and get champions
  • Rule 10: Only the paranoid Survive . Wake up every day and innovate throughout the business
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Scaling Out Like Technorati (Good Interview)

A very good interview discussing scalability of Technorati.
interview with David Sifry , interviewer John Newton

Monday, September 03, 2007

Fitnesse , new use for a wiki as testing tool

What is Fitnesse?

FitNesse is a software development collaboration tool

Great software requires collaboration and communication. FitNesse is a tool for enhancing collaboration in software development.

FitNesse enables customers, testers, and programmers to learn what their software should do, and to automatically compare that to what it actually does do. It compares customers' expectations to actual results.

It's an invaluable way to collaborate on complicated problems (and get them right) early in development.

(The above description is adapted from James Shore's description of Ward Cunningham's FitFramework, upon which FitNesse depends.)

FitNesse is a software testing tool.

From another perspective, FitNesse is a lightweight, open-source framework that makes it easy for software teams to:
  • Collaboratively define AcceptanceTests -- web pages containing simple tables of inputs and expected outputs.
  • Run those tests and see the results (see TwoMinuteExample).

FitNesse is a wiki.

FitNesse is a web server.

Want a quick introduction? Check out the TwoMinuteExample.

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