Monday, July 02, 2007

Stripes vs. Struts

Stripes was born out of my ongoing frustration with the lack of a high quality, easy to use web framework. Sure, Struts has its good points, but there are a lot of small things that really add up. A lot of small things that you learn to work around, and live with, without realizing how unproductive it's making you.

Up until recently it would have been difficult to create a framework that was better-enough to warrant competing with Struts. And with JSF on the horizon (perpetually?), and other web frameworks in play (WebWork, Tapestry, Wicket) some might question the rationale behind yet another framework. But with Java 1.5 and Servlet 2.4 I think the time has come. The rationale is plain and simple - I wanted a web framework that made it easy, no, fun, to write web applications in Java. The best way to demonstrate is perhaps by a comparison with Struts.


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