Thursday, May 22, 2008

Scalability Principles

Posted by Floyd Marinescu on May 21, 2008 01:06 PM
At the simplest level, scalability is about doing more of something. This could be responding to more user requests, executing more work or handling more data. While designing software has its complexities, making that software capable of doing lots of work presents its own set of problems. In this article, Simon Brown presents some principles and guidelines for building scalable software systems.

Read Scalability Principles, by Simon Brown

The principles covered in the article include:
  1. Decrease processing time
  2. Partition
  3. Scalability is about concurrency
  4. Requirements must be known
  5. Test continuously
  6. Architect up front
  7. Look at the bigger picture

1 comment:

Casino Money said...

Listen, let's not spend more time for it.