Requirements development activities include the following:
- Identifying the expected user classes for the product
- Eliciting needs from individuals who represent each user class
- Understanding actual user tasks and objectives and the business needs supported by those tasks
- Analyzing the information received from users to distinguish their task needs from functional requirements, business rules, quality attributes, suggested solutions, and extraneous information
- Partitioning system-level requirements into major subsystems and allocating a portion of those requirements to software components
- Understanding the relative importance of quality attributes
- Negotiating implementation priorities
- Translating the collected user needs into written specifications and models
- Reviewing the requirements specifications to ensure a common understanding of the users' stated requirements and to correct any problems before the development group accepts them
- Defining the requirements baseline (a snapshot in time representing the current agreed-on body of requirements)
- Reviewing proposed requirements changes and evaluating the likely impact of each proposed change before deciding whether to approve it
- Incorporating approved requirements changes into the project in a controlled way
- Keeping project plans current with the requirements
- Negotiating new commitments based on the estimated impact of changed requirements
- Tracing individual requirements to their corresponding designs, source code, and test cases
- Tracking requirements status and change activity throughout the project
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